Monday, June 7, 2010

The Pleasant Peninsula Yawns Hello

So you graduate college after years of aneurism inducing papers, all night cram sessions and out performing the chump sitting next to you.

Then lucky you.

Obama is going to be the speaker at your graduation. The most powerful man in the "free world." The man preaching hope, change and the increase of off-shore oil drilling.

And yet, your this guy with the bobble head. Or this chick with the google eyes. This is the future of America.

Let's hope they just forgot their Red Bull and game faces that day.

Remember kids, that box he's speaking into is called a camera. That guy with the big ears in front of you is giving a speech. Time to pay attention.

As a Kalamazoo alum, although from a slightly less prestigious academy, I feel little miffed that these kids can't get their act together. Good luck finding a job. This economy isn't exactly a sleeper.

I at least learned how to fake pay attention. Let's be real, I went to college.

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