It was the boisterous laugh that usually accompanied a knee slap and a head jerk in case anyone questioned your sincerity. Although theatrics rarely seemed staged.
But this is supposed to be about me, my daily drama in the quest for greatness.

I stood at sunset facing the stacked clouds piled over the ocean yesterday and knew I was home. The smell and wind are so different from the lake that I love so much.
Sunsets bring some of the most vivid shades of pink I've seen anywhere. My favorite moments are nested on the beach after dusk. I will have to show you sometime. (Picture from a fellow blogger and sunset aficionado)
I am melding into the monotony of city life. The traffic, the hustle, the climb up the social ladder. This is not meant in disdain, but astonishment that I could assimilate so quickly.
Los Angeles is no longer just a vacation or an extended visit, but where I live. Still settling without getting too settled.
My lovely roommate and I found solace in a cozy apartment on street lined with gnarled trees. I couldn't be happier. She introduced me to numerology and I believe this is my personal year of creativity. Don't ask how I deduced this, the math still boggles me.
Therefore, I am working harder than ever to stretch from my comfort zone. Each weekend this month I attend an event or gathering that perks my interest about this fair city. Going downtown to experience the plethora of museums and galleries is a must.
The recent trip to the Natural History Museum's first friday event was a bust. People actually asked us to scalp them tickets. Jokes on them, we didn't have any. Who knew that Yeasayer would be so popular? Who knew people in Los Angeles drove in the rain?
Sticking to what's familiar is dangerous, even in a city full of unfamiliarity. I left behind the dive bars and the cafe jobs for a reason. These items soon found their place in LA, but I think their presence is fleeting.
Writing has become more demanding between freelance and my desire to post all these new experiences for the world to see. I am jumping at every opportunity to get out there and get my voice heard. I feel the verge of some great work.
Trying to learn from my mistakes and quiet any disparities.
Covering the mundane school board meetings and city hall agendas are different when hoer devours are plentiful and Cindy Crawford is sitting in front of you. Is it wrong that I almost lost my composure only when I saw the actor that plays Data in Star Trek?
I miss a community of writers and welcome any work that you want to send me way. I of course welcome any input you have even if it's just a comment on a silly post. I want to hear about the Windy City. I miss it so.
Thank you for listening. It's tough being the new kid some days.
Send my love to the Smitten Mitten. Please respond with a jar of snow as soon as possible. I will be waiting.