Try not to get too excited for those of you that have always looked like the Notorious B.I.G. I always thought your doppelganger was an evil twin you dueled to the death upon meeting, for neither can live while the other survives...
The story goes according to the Huffington Post who actually cared to look into it, this guy decided to fight back against his co-workers for always pointing out that he looked like Tom Selleck and post their doppelgangers via Facebook.
This whole thing is even better than posting what bra color you are wearing. Not sure what that has to do with breast cancer, but who am I to judge all you leopard print touting ladies.
I had no idea that so many of my Facebook "friends" look like Leonardo DiCaprio, Jennifer Lopez and Reese Witherspoon. Despite what some might claim, I don't know anyone that actually looks like Janet Jackson.
I am the first to admit that people are getting generic and blend together into six variations. This is not dependent on race or coloring either. Yet celebrities are a hyperbolic stretch for many the average person due to stylists and airbrushing.
I mean how awkward to have to tell your man that no, he doesn't look anything like Antonio Banderas, but more like a combination of Steve Buscemi and John Leguizamo circa The Pest.
It really is shocking to see the lack of Kevin Spaceys, Woody Allens and James Gandolfinis. To be fair I do run with a younger crowd, but not once did I see an image of Screech from Saved by the
If only each of these profile pictures could be juxtaposed next to an actual photo of the person. Then people can actually see the resemblance and really make it interesting.
Oh totally sweetie, if you dropped about twenty pounds and shaved that mustache you really would look just like Beyoncé. Oh wait, now that I look at it maybe I was thinking of Oprah.
I refuse to participate in this game because it is obnoxious enough to get a weekly shout-out from a random that thinks I look like Pink or the mom from Gilmore Girls. Thank baby jesus Even Stevens went off the air. I repeat, I do not look like that girl even though she got rid of the braces.
So my genealogy is a melting pot of Eastern European immigrants and natives. I understand that sister and I have that "familiar" look. No, I did not take sociology 101 with you nor do I know anyone from
Do not fret those of you blessed with originality and charismatic features. No one really wants to be confused for someone else unless it gets you free stuff.
Anyway I always did bear a shocking resemblance to Natalie Portman, if I do say so myself. Only with the shaved head of course.
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